Homework usually concentrates on Maths and English and it alternates between the subjects each week. Children are always given a full week to complete the homework.
Times Tables
In Year 4 we concentrate on Times Tables for Maths homework as this is a vital skill for future success in the subject, plus Year 4 children are now required to take an online Multiplication Table Check in the Summer Term. TTRockstars is particularly helpful as the 'Sound Check' area replicates the format of this check.
We ask that children read at least three times a week at home and that an adult signs their diary. We have found that children really benefit from reading with an adult and discussing what they have read, as well as learning to become more independent readers.
Useful Homework Links
Virtual School Library - Oak National Academy and the National Literacy Trust have come together to launch a Virtual School Library to keep children reading during lockdown.
Oxford Owls eBooks - FREE eBook Library from Oxford Owl for Home. This has been developed for children aged 3–11 years old. All of the eBooks are tablet-friendly. Just register or log in to start reading.